Friday, April 13, 2012



ong For Liberty (Nana Mouskouri)

When you sing I'm singing with you liberty
When you cry I cry with you in sorrow
When you suffer I'm praying for you liberty
For your struggles will bring us a new tomorrow

Days of sad darkness and fear must one day crumble
For the force of your kindness and love make them tremble
When you sing I'm singing with you liberty
In the void of your absence I keep searching for you

Who are you dream illusion or just reality
Faith ideal desire revolution
I believe you're the symbol of our humanity
Lighting up the world for eternity

I can see why men die to defend you
Try to guard to protect and attend you
When you sing I'm singing with you liberty
With your tears or your joys I love you
Let us sing and rejoice make our own history
Songs of hope with one voice guide us to victory
Liberty, liberty

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Going Mental is Big Think's blog about neurology, psychology and the mysterious mechanisms of the human brain.

 there isn't even a consensus as to what constitutes intelligence in the first place. It is widely accepted that there are different types of intelligence—analytic, linguistic, emotional, to name a few—but psychologists and neuroscientists disagree over whether these intelligences are linked or whether they exist independently from one another. 

Big Think also interviewed Dr. Daniel Goleman, author of the bestselling Emotional Intelligence," and spoke with him about his theory of emotional intelligence, which comprises four major poles:
  • self-awareness, 
  • self-management, 
  • social awareness, and 
  • relationship management.

source :


In 1958 the monarchy was overthrown and replaced with a Shi’i ruler Abd al-
Karim Qasim. Qasim promoted Iraqi nationalism and borrowed much from the
Egyptian nationalist party lines by advocating the preservation of national identities and
resisting affiliations with other states, unlike Pan-Arabism. Because of his politics
Qasim was a prime target for Ba’athists who labeled him both a separatist and shuubi
despot. He was assassinated in 1963 by Ba’athists, ostensibly for his refusal to join the
United Arab Republic.

source :


Salahuddin sangat yakin dan percaya kepada pertolongan Allah. Ia biasa meletakkan segala harapannya kepada Allah terutama ketika dalam kesusahan. Pada satu ketika ia berada di Jerusalem yang pada masa itu seolah-olah tidak dapat bertahan lagi daripada kepungan tentera bersekutu Kristian. Walaupun keadaan sangat terdesak ia enggan untuk meninggalkan kota suci itu.

Siapa yang rapat dengannya mengatakan ia adalah seorang Islam yang taat kepada Allah, sangat peka kepada keadilan, pemurah, lembut hati, sabar dan tekun. Bahauddin bin bin Shaddad, penasihat utama Salahuddin telah mencatatkan ia telah memberikan masa untuk rakyat dua kali seminggu, iaitu pada hari Isnin dan Selasa. Pada masa ini ia disertai oleh pembesar-pembesar negara, ulama dan kadi. Semua orang boleh berjumpa dengannya. Ia sendiri akan membacakan aduan yang diterimanya dan mengucapkan untuk dituliskan oleh juru tulis tindakan yang perlu diambil dan terus ditandatanganinya pada masa itu juga. Ia tidak pernah membenarkan orang meninggalkannya selagi ia belum menyempurnakan hajat orang itu. Dalam masa yang sama ia sentiasa bertasbih kepada Allah.
Jika ada orang membuat aduan, ia akan mendegarkan dengan teliti dan kemudian memberikan keputusannya.


formation of islam civlization

Islam did not appear all
at once, but emerged slowly, as part of a prolonged process whereby it was
differentiated from other religious traditions and, indeed, that much that we take as
characteristic of Islam is in fact the product of the medieval period.


great code on mongol empire

Yasa, the Great Code of Chenggis Khan, has affected and influenced legal and justice practices across the greater regions of Asia and eastern Europe.  It was obviously aimed at regulating pastoral and military peoples, which made its assimilation into other civilizations, many of which were quite sophisticated, extremely difficult.  Given the complexity of many conquered societies and the deep roots of their religions, the application of the Yasa to the law practices of most of these stationary cultures remained minimal.  The religious acceptance of the Mongols appears to have expanded to the toleration of regional legal practices and jurisprudence.  One question that many historians have failed to investigate is which of the local peoples around the fledgling Mongolian empire had influenced them in the early 13th Century when the Yasa was finally codified?   At least one of the tenets (Number 30 dealing with religion, forgiveness, and respect of the elders and poor) could have been impacted by regional Buddhist, Christian or Muslim leaders.  It is likely that the illiterate descendents of the Mongols influenced the Khans, even more than the Great Code of the Khans influenced their conquered civilizations.   

source :

Monday, April 2, 2012

tough time

Sunday, April 1, 2012

 "We found more evidence that people might be shy or outgoing because of the way their brains are structured, not because of experiences they've had."

The differences in cognitive style and sensory-processing relate to the qualities associated with introversion and extroversion. True introverts are quiet, inwardly focused and reclusive. Extroverts are gregarious, socially active and sensation seeking.


Introverts are more concerned with the inner world of the mind. They enjoy thinking, exploring their thoughts and feelings. They often avoid social situations because being around people drains their energy. This is true even if they have good social skills. After being with people for any length of time, such as at a party, they need time alone to "recharge."

intrinsic motivation

 Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from inside an individual rather than from any external or outside rewards, such as money or grades.

The motivation comes from the pleasure one gets from the task itself or from the sense of satisfaction in completing or even working on a task.

Intrinsic motivation does not mean, however, that a person will not seek rewards. It just means that such external rewards are not enough to keep a person motivated. An intrinsically motivated student, for example, may want to get a good grade on an assignment, but if the assignment does not interest that student, the possibility of a good grade is not enough to maintain that student's motivation to put any effort into the project.

social justice

"safe and just space for humanity to thrive in"

  1.  providing enough food for the 13% of the world's people who suffer from hunger means raising world supplies by just 1%.
  2. Providing electricity to the 19% of people who currently have none would raise global carbon emissions by just 1%.
  3. Bringing everyone above the global absolute poverty line ($1.25 a day) would need just 0.2% of global income.

 it is not the needs of the poor that threaten the biosphere, but the demands of the rich. Raworth points out that half the world's carbon emissions are produced by just 11% of its people, while, with grim symmetry, 50% of the world's people produce just 11% of its emissions.

feminist framework


Amat malu bagi pendukung agenda sebesar AGENDA ISLAM, kalah oleh persoalan SIKAP yang terlalu asas dan mudah.

Hanya manusia yang lupakan Tuhan, tidak menyedarinya.
“Jika kamu berbuat kebaikan, (maka faedah) kebaikan yang kamu lakukan adalah untuk diri kamu; dan jika kamu berbuat kejahatan, maka (kesannya yang buruk) berbalik kepada diri kamu juga.” [Al-Israa' 17: 7]\
Memperjuangkan Islam memerlukan satu tahap kematangan fikiran di kalangan pendukungnya. Kecacatan common sense ini menjadi amat ketara tatkala ia diteropong dari kaca mata dakwah dan perjuangan.
Semasa berinteraksi dengan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi yang menjemput saya ke program, saya sering mengurut dada menahan sabar tatkala berdepan dengan kecacatan common sense ini.
“Ustaz, esok pukul 10 kami akan berada di KL untuk berjumpa dengan ustaz. Harap ustaz dapat lapangkan masa berbincang dengan kami!” kata sekumpulan AJK sebuah program melalui sms kepada saya.
Apakah mereka ini menyangka yang saya ini goyang kaki tidak punya sebarang aktiviti hingga semudah itu di’jemput’ menerima jemputan mereka?

Komunikasi hati, lain kisahnya. Biar pun terpaksa naik bas loncat bersalin bas tiga kali, semuanya sanggup ditempuh kerana hati benar-benar mahu berjumpa dan berbicara.
Justeru komunikasi Ulul Albaab banyak memerlukan pembaikan hati.
Perbaiki hati, agar ada ukhuwwah, ada empati.
Dengan hati yang mahu berkomunikasi, kita lebih sabar dalam mendengar.
Lebih berisi.


Saya berminat dengan manusia.
Saya suka menelaah kelakuan manusia, mengkaji kecenderungan yang mencorakkan kehidupan manusia malah meyakini bahawa warna-warna alam sekitar hari ini adalah terjemahan kepada kemanusiaan manusia.
Berminat dengan manusia, adalah pra syarat seorang pendakwah.
Pendakwah perlu sedar bahawa tugasnya adalah untuk menterjemahkan kehendak titah Pencipta manusia untuk ditempa ke atas manusia ciptaan Dia. Pendakwah harus kenal Allah dan kenal manusia. Mesejnya mesti Rabbani, pendekatannya mesti manusiawi.
Apabila pendakwah tidak menjaga kemanusiaan manusia, dia telah melanggar sehimpun sunnatullah aturan-Nya.
Justeru untuk menyampaikan dakwah yang manusiawi, pendakwah mestilah berminat dengan manusia…
68000 Ampang